Amanda Shea is an international multidisciplinary artist residing in Boston, Massachusetts.
Amanda Shea is a three-time Boston Music Award-winning Spoken Word Artist. Shea is an artist, performer, educator, artivist, publicist, host, and curator. She has hosted and produced numerous intergenerational poetry/hip hop events as well as performed at festivals; including Boston Calling, BAMSFest (Boston Art & Music Soul Festival), and the Jos Literary Festival in Nigeria.
Various Boston Public Schools
Missionsafe (Previously)
Medicine Wheel Productions (Previously)
“I don’t even know Amanda all that well. All I know is that she deserves the heck out of this award and she is a ray of light to ALL those in the hip hop industry: and probably to a lot who lost their light. I don’t need to have met Amanda to see she is a selfless giver, and to see she does it unconditionally.”
— Shawn Patel
Selected Profiles